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Finally more sales with your business letters

Recommendation for the e-book by Simone Domahs


Get 60% more customers with your emails and business letters now !


Simone Domahs is a full-blooded sales copywriter and book author. For 12 years she has been following her mission to connect German and international entrepreneurs with their ideal customers through the right words.


When the Dresden native isn't in a writing frenzy, she devours books, lets the Dresden forest air or the Baltic Sea wind blow in her native island of Usedom.

What awaits you as a reader:


Chapter 1: Clean up old clichés

Chapter 2: Lure with head cinema

Chapter 3: How to tailor letter text to your customers

Chapter 4: Ignite the sales turbo!

Chapter 5: The right letter structure as the icing on the cake

Chapter 6: The most important rules of the DIN 5008 standard  â€‹

Chapter 7: The legal mandatory information in your business mail​

Chapter 8: Guest Posts

Chapter 9: The grand finale


Regular retail price: EUR 47.00

Special price: EUR 17.00

* the price always counts
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