Onepager with
Which templates are available to you?
Go to to find your desired theme.
As a customer, you pay the costs for the tariff, domain address and e-mail account directly and are not part of this offer.
How many sections does the navigation have?
Your content is all on one page (except for the imprint and data protection declaration).
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How do your images get on the website?
Thematically coordinated sample images from the free image database from are built in
Once the website has been handed over, you can exchange all motifs for your own images or for images from the free database.
How do you get your texts on the website?
You send us your texts (incl. for data protection and imprint) for the above navigation in a WORD document and we integrate them on your website. ​
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I feel very well looked after, I'm very satisfied with the result and I'm happy to have competent partners for my marketing at my side. >> Read more about the reference
Web Business Card with
Which templates are available to you?
Go to to find your desired theme.
We adapt the template to your wishes within the functionalities specified by This involves colors, backgrounds, lines, buttons, fonts. A redesign via CSS does not take place.
As a customer, you pay the costs for the tariff, domain address and e-mail account directly and are not part of this offer.
How many sections does the navigation have?
We prepare for you: start, offers, about me, contact as well as imprint & data protection.
One of two possible navigation levels can be set up for you.
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How do your images get on the website?
Images are provided by the customer, optimized and fitted for the web.
How do you get your texts on the website?
You send us your texts (incl. for data protection and imprint) for the above navigation in a WORD document and we integrate them on your website. ​
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"The cooperation was always reliable, service-oriented and very professional. In addition, I enjoyed working with two "creative people with strong implementation skills". ( Read more reference )
Website with
Which templates are available to you?
Go to to find your desired theme.
We adapt the template to your wishes within the functionalities specified by This involves colors, backgrounds, lines, buttons, fonts. A redesign via CSS does not take place.
As a customer, you pay the costs for the tariff, domain address and e-mail account directly and are not part of this offer.
How many sections does the navigation have?
We will set up up to 7 main navigation buttons (each with 3 sub-navigation buttons) for you, as well as imprint and data protection.
Two of two possible navigation levels can be set up for you.
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How do your images get on the website?
Images are searched for and integrated by theme world -Briefing in the free image database of
Up to 6 pictures can be exchanged for other motifs on request
After training for the website, you can exchange all motifs for your own pictures if required.
How do you get your texts on the website?
You send us your texts (incl. for data protection and imprint) for the above navigation in a WORD document and we integrate them on your website. ​When posting the texts, we carry out slight text corrections (linguistic & SEO-optimized).
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How can you integrate other media into the website?
In this offer, we integrate up to five media (PDF and "small" films) into the new website.
Does the website have a blog?
We activate the blog for you and carry out the basic setup.
We create two categories (visible as sub-navigation) and two sample articles (with dummy text).
Is training planned? ​
The 2-hour training via webinar / screen sharing (including training material and recording of the training) is part of the offer.

You now want to commission your new website:
Then let's talk about the wishes for your planned website:
>> Contact the Paersch's